Jesse Wheelock

Mixed Media Artist & Sculptor


St John’s Pres. Church

319 Queen St., Port Perry

with Erin Voisey, Daina Shreiber and Jeremy LePage


My 2-dimensional work is messy and dark, my sculptural work is whimsical and stems from dark fantasy, and my textile work is intricate, with historical and fantastical inspiration. I have struggled in the past to find a common denominator between my three practices. The unifying characteristic is often fantasy based; I grew up reading the Tales of the Brothers Grimm and indulging in escapism and story-telling. I carry these influences into all my forms of art.

Jesse Wheelock studied fine arts and sculpture at Queens’ university and graduated with bachelor in 2017. Since then they have been developing their own style and looking to the natural world and what lies beyond for inspiration. They work with clay, resin, textiles, found objects, and whatever they can get their hands on. Their current fixation is in creating small sculptural pieces of frogs, dragons, fungi inspired sprites, and other whimsical creatures.

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Site #4 St. John's Presbyterian Church

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Site #6 Port Cheese Co

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Site #10 Two Blokes Cider

Site #11 Lavender Blu

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