Register for the 2023 Lake Scugog Studio Tour!

The Lake Scugog Studio Tour will take place on Saturday, May 6th and Sunday, May 7th, 2023. Pre-tour for the participating artists will take place on Friday, May 5th, 2023.

This form is for both returning artists and new artists who wish to apply to the tour. It is to be noted that returning artists who have been on the tour between 2018-2022 are automatically “accepted” and are to complete this form for registration purposes. 

Artists who are new to the tour and applying to be juried onto the tour must complete this same form, but wait for follow up and official acceptance before paying the fee. 

The fee is $250 payable through e-transfer to [email protected]

Please carefully read and consider all notes on the form below. 

Registration deadline is October 31st by 5PM. 

We are looking forward to an exciting and engaging tour this year! 

Click to access the login or register cheese

Want to stay in touch?

We would be happy to keep you informed about future Lake Scugog Studio Tours and other important info, just fill in below!

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