The Lake Scugog Studio Tour features artists working with the entire life cycle of fabric.

Pat Neal weaves home decor items. Libby Burns wet-felts delicate wool fibres into wearable art pieces. Kirsty Naray does needle felting, nuno felting, wet felting, spinning and Saori weaving. Kirsty is exploring new ways of incorporating both glass and fibre. Kate MacPherson has a passion for crochet transforming fibre into modern pieces for home, body and play. Marion Myers and Carole Ditomaso use colourfully patterned fabrics in their quilting practices. Mila Owen also uses fabric sewn into items such as lavender sachets or cosmetic bags. Then there is Anja Kooistra and Nancy Newman who often upcycle, re-use and re-purpose vintage fabrics into new creations. Anja creates fabric sculptures for home and garden. Nancy fascinated in transforming tribal and indigenous textiles into an array of bags and purses.

Pat Neal

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