Register and apply for the 2025 Scugog Studio Tour now! The dates of the 2025 tour are Saturday May 3 and Sunday May 4, 2025 from 10 am – 5pm.

Returning artists from studio tours held from 2018 to 2024 are asked to complete the form, pay their fee and add up-to-date images and stories.

New artists may also use this form to apply to be on the tour. Our jury of artists is looking for quality work and a well-balanced mix of two and three dimensional work.

The application deadline is Sunday November 3 at 5pm. 

Please view the form and read all instructions to have your files prepared before starting to complete your form. 

The mission of the Scugog Studio Tour is to provide discerning, curious, original-art lovers with an engaging art experience and an opportunity to purchase original, high-quality artwork.

Benefits of Joining the Scugog Studio Tour

  • Promotion of your work and exhibition site in a full colour tour booklet that patrons can use year-round.
  • Representation on the Scugog Studio Tour & Scugog Arts websites, social media sites and e-newsletters.
  • Meeting, networking and working with a welcoming and supportive group of experienced artists.
  • Feedback about your art from visitors.
  • The pool of application fees goes entirely to marketing the tour with a wide variety of media including our website, paid ads on social media, radio, arts & culture publications, signs, banners, posters, postcards and our tour book. We promote artists of the tour all year long. Each artist gets their own web page and numerous social media posts.
  • Scugog Studio Tour is a committee of the charitable organization, Scugog Council for the Arts. As such we are members of the Port Perry BIA and Scugog Chamber of Commerce, and benefit from those supporting relationships. We also benefit by being part of the creative hub of the Scugog Arts Space on Queen Street in Port Perry. As a charity we are eligible for support by granting organizations.
  • A well-organized tour with over 20 years of experience.

Terms of Joining the Scugog Studio Tour.

  • Site Artists must have a studio or reside in the proximity of Lake Scugog, with Port Perry being the hub of the tour.
  • Ideally (but not necessarily), Site Artists are able to host one Guest Artist and have a working studio.
  • Site Artists may recommend a Guest Artist for their own site. Final assignment will be at the discretion of the Jury. In a typical year, if you are a new site artist on our tour, please do not assume that you can invite another artist to be your guest. This is a juried tour and every artist new to the tour MUST be juried.
  • Guest Artists from any location may apply.
  • All artists, site artists and guest artists, must be in attendance and available to visitors for all hours of the tour. The exception will be the Friday pre tour event, where a guest artist may not wish to participate and therefore not be in attendance.
  • Set up must be done prior to tour opening on the Friday at 10 am for pre tour sites, Saturday at 10 am for all other sites, and all art must remain up until the end of the tour Sunday at 5 pm.
  • Since this is an artist-run tour, artists must be willing to assist with committee tasks in preparation for the tour. This is essential!
  • Work submitted in the registration form must be consistent with the finished work that will be shown in the tour.
  • Application form to be submitted electronically by November 3, 2024.
  • Site and Guest Artists pay a $250 admission fee.
  • Fee payable at time of application for returning artists. We accept e-transfer, cash and cheques sent by snail mail. With a preference for E-transfers that can be sent to [email protected]. Cheques are payable to Scugog Council for the Arts, P.O. Box 233, Port Perry, ON, L9L 1A3. We accept cash at Scugog Arts Space 175B Queen Street.
  • There are no refunds for any artist who backs out of the tour for any reason whatsoever.

Getting Prepared to Fill Out Our On-Line Form

  • Write a 25-word artist statement in 1st person singular (written as you talking about yourself) for use on your page on our website and in our tour booklet.
  • Provide a 300-word story written in 1st person, also for use on your webpage and for use in social media. Tell people about your work, your inspirations, your history and your process. The story is not required, however we highly recommend that you go to this effort! Search engines love long stories with great content. And we can work magic on social media with these. Please think up a short phrase that you think an art lover might use when doing an on-line search for work like yours.
  • Take great photos of your work! We are using them in our promotion of the tour. High-resolution jpegs and HEIC are the only format we accept. Take clear well-focused and lit photos.
  • We highly recommend that you do not include images that include advertising copy, price tickets, digital framing or effects, date stamps or anything that will take away from the work itself. Avoid cluttered backgrounds. Make sure that the image you supply for the tour book is clean, simple, well-lit and in focus.
  • Plan to upload 4-6 images. We may request more images at a later date.
  • Have information about each image ready ; the title, medium, size, selling price. We don’t advertise the selling prices, but this gives the jury important information.
  • Prepare your images in high-resolution jpeg format and title them before you upload them with the following format; ArtistFirstName, ArtistLastName, #1-#7 for use on website and social.  If you do not know how to save specific images with specific titles as required please use Google for directions. If you do not know how to check the resolution and size of your images (we need 300dpi, 650×1000 pixels minimum, 5MB maximum) please use Google for directions. ALLOW TIME FOR IMAGES TO UPLOAD BEFORE HITTING SEND.
  • You can save your entry as you go and come back to it at any time. The save button is at the very bottom of the form, so be sure to save if you are mid-way through your form and need to exit. Hit SEND only once. BE PATIENT WHEN YOU HIT SAVE OR SEND – ALLOW YOUR SERVER TIME TO UPLOAD BEFORE CLOSING THE PROGRAM OR EXITING YOUR INTERNET PLATFORM. You will get a confirmation email of your entry. Wait a day. Check your spam folder. If you don’t get a confirmation email then you did not hit send or you did not fill in required fields or you closed the program before the images were uploaded! Be patient.

Accepted Artists should be prepared to:

  • Demonstrate and/or discuss your work during the tour.
  • Display and merchandise your work.
  • Serve some form of refreshments or treats.
  • We may be holding a pre-tour exhibition of art for the month of April and through studio tour weekend. This will be limited to work that we can hang on the walls.

Approximate boundaries for the Site Artists


Artist Registration Form 2025

Registration for: Returning artists and potential new artists on Lake Scugog Studio Tour 2025

"*" indicates required fields

Scugog Studio Tour Application 2025

Please carefully read and fill out the following registration form for the Scugog Studio Tour 2025. Please note that the deadline to submit this form is Sunday November 3, 2024 by 5PM. When you hit "Submit" or use " Save and Continue" please wait for all images to upload before closing the program. This can take up to 10 minutes.
Artist Name
Are you registering/applying as a Site artist or a Guest artist?
Are you an Emerging artist?
This is for newer artists who have been practicing for under 5 years or are new to touring/showing work.
Site Address
SITE ARTISTS: Fill this in with your site address. If your studio is in a different location than your home address, please use your studio address. GUEST ARTISTS: Fill in with your home address.
If you have social media pages that you use for your art and it is public, provide the URL. We will promote and create links to your social media(s) where we can. You can give us up to 2 links.
If you have a website for your art practice, please provide the link here. We will put the address in the tour book, on the website, and in other promotional materials.
Select 1-2 ways you would identify yourself as an artist/the type of art you wish to show at LSST
(No need to provide a long statement here -- just a title/medium that describes your practice or craft) Please keep it very short as we use this copy in our tour book!
Are you an artist RETURNING to the Studio Tour, or are you a NEW artist applying to the tour for the first time?*
Please note that all artists who participated in any of our tours between 2018-2024 are automatically accepted and are completing this form as a way to register that you are returning. Any potential artists applying to join our tour will be reviewed by a jury in early January.
If you are a Site Artist, can you accommodate 1 or more Guest Artists?
Description example: "One large room approximately 20ft x 15ft and one smaller room 10ft x 8ft"
Note: this is not an 100% guarantee your chosen artist will be at your site -- however the comfort and enjoyment of the tour for all artists involved is taken into consideration in the putting together of the tour.

Artist and Artwork Information

Submit ONE high quality, high resolution labeled digital image for us to use in our printed tour book and as your main image for our website. Please take a good photo that is clear, uncluttered and is well lit without shadows. Digital image must be a JPEG or HEIC format with a minimum of 300dpi and 650 x 1000 pixels per inch size. Maximum Image size is 5MB. Your images MUST be labelled with the following format: FirstNameLastName#1
Accepted file types: jpg, heic, jpeg, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Please fill in the following information for the artwork you provided above.
Digital image must be a JPEG or HEIC format with a minimum of 300dpi and 650 x 1000 pixels per inch size. Maximum Image size is 5MB. Your images MUST be labelled with the following format: FirstNameLastNameArtworkTitle. Lower resolution is preferred for these photos.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, heic, jpeg, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 6.
    Site Details (Site Artists Only)
    To add to the enjoyment and ease of our tour there are some factors about your site visitors might like to know. Check those that apply.

    Payment Details and Terms

    Each returning artist must e-transfer the $250 fee to [email protected] after submitting form. If you are a NEW artist applying to the tour, please e-transfer $250 to [email protected] AFTER your acceptance. Please wait until the jurying process is complete. We will keep in touch and follow up on your application with regular email updates.

    Click to access the login or register cheese

    Want to stay in touch?

    We would be happy to keep you informed about future Lake Scugog Studio Tours and other important info, just fill in below!

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